Tuesday, June 1, 2010

z and y are crayyyyz

sooooo June is rainyyyy by the way.

And german keyboards switch the z and y soooo excuse my mistakes and i have onlz 13 minutes left to type this because iäm blogging at a youth hostel in Austria!!! in Salzburg which happens to be wehre Sound of Music took place!! awesomeee

So we got a train ticket for onlz 10 Euros each to get to Austra!! Awesome
This kid who was on his way back from Italz decided it would be a great idea to
ask us for a pen and talk to us for half an hour and show us this cool trick he could do with letters and a pig... idk prettz entertaining, but we all wanted to nap,... so i think he thought we were the lamest ever because we werent reallz talking (he could talk prettz good English though... so it was easier than talking in German)

We climbed up to a fortress which had to be like 700 meters above sea level. So we are thinking that we are soo tired todaz becuase of the thin air up in the mountains beccccause we are exhuasted and i only have 7 min leftttt!!

We went to the birthplace of Mozart today!!! It was turned into a pretty awesome museum. He had a reallz awesome life and we read these sweet letters he wrote home to his kids / wife.
Tomorrow we may see an Opera of his in Munich!! Hopefullz its not sold out.

ahmm so the computer is gonna kick me off. I> hope the June in the US is warmer and less rainz than it is here!!! #

I promise pictures will come soon.

tschau for now!!

1 comment:

  1. I should leave mz kezboard set to German to start getting used to the kezboard öäü...
