Monday, May 31, 2010

oh yeah I'm here

So I don't really have internet access where I am. I'm writing this from my host's computer.
I'll start have practically consistent internets on Sunday, maybe?

Then I'll upload some pictures of the ALPS!!

but yeah. I'm here.... in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and its absolutely the most gorgerous place I've ever seen.
We didn't get here until 5 pm German time... which means that I was traveling for a grand total of 25 hours. Insane!! I was tired.
ahmmmm and still am
but me abby and kelli rented bikes today and biked all over our town for like everrrr. And it was awesome. and my butt hurts really bad now and I yelled " halt" (stop) like every 5 minutes so I could take like 5 gazillion pictures...

I met some sheep!! They were very friendly and I took another 5 gazillion pictures of them. They had bells around their necks so it sounded really lovelywhen they moved in a flock togethers.

Apparently there are only Mountain Goats on the Austrian / Italian side of the Alps.... sad story.

Germans love their dogs. They love them so much that they don't use leashes!!! Even on like trails and streets and such!!

Germans don't like other people... at least they pretend they don't. They don't smile when you smile at them... except if you are on a hike and then it's like awkward if they don't smile back....

I dropped my CIAS water bottle into a rushing torrent of water. oops. at least it wasn't me or my camera. Gorgerous river / gorge by the way. N0w there is a little piece of creative RIT in Bavaria!
Ryan Wilson / Mikey D.... when you come to Germany... look for it. Go to the Gorge at Garmisch Partenkirchen or search the Loisach River for it.... because you know, that 6 dollar water bottle means the world to me

Kelli's parents have a house here and its called "Haus Sonnenschein" (Sunshine house) It's like a hotel, I think? pretty awesome thoughhh

ahmm I'm going to experience the month of June about 6 hours before any of you do....

I'm going to hike up one of the Alps on Thursday (the Kramer) it snowed the other day, so I think we're only gonna go halfway??

My sister gave me the wrong adaptor. Apparently Ireland and Germany use different adaptors? ooops. Luckily Abby has one, so I'll borrow hers sooo that i can charge my camera / laptop and yeah.

weisswuerst is awesome too, by the way. Stop by Germany and have some... yeah.

Apparently Edelweiss is endangered? sad story. So I'll keep my eyes out for it and Abby and I are planning on breaking out in songs from Sound of Music if we spy any....

Munich tomoororoow and then Salzburg Wednesday!! woooo time to by some Mozart Chocolate :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

gate A5

the plan:
fly from Albany > to Washington > to Ottawa > to Frankfurt, Germany

Emma, Naomi, and all the flight attendants seem to think everything is going to go according to plan...

I didn't do anything stupid yet, so hopefully all will go according to plan and I'll be in Frankfurt at 630 AM German time (midnight 30 Home time) I'll be covering over 4000 miles in 14 hours wooohooo.

Plans for the week? No Idea :D gonna spend it in the foothills of the Alps with some pretty awesome friends from my german class!!

Then we'll be training it to Marburg, where I'll be studying.

tschau for now!